Even if you’re new to the trucking industry, you likely know that driving a chemical tanker is one of the best paying but most dangerous jobs available to truckers. People often have a lot of questions when they’re just starting …
It should go without saying that truck driving is a dangerous profession. Drivers need to take all necessary precautions and follow advisable safety tips while on the road. Even the most defensive and alert drivers can be struck by an …
Most people see the large semis and long haul trucks filling our nation’s highways and for the most part, they all look the same. They rarely consider how different trucks may be necessary to haul different loads, except possibly if …
People are often curious about what it is like for long haul truck drivers, especially those who are thinking about getting into the industry. Many reality and documentary TV shows, such as Ice Road Truckers and American Trucker, have glamorized …
While many people have a romantic view of truck driving, those of us in the know understand that driving is a challenging career, especially when you are just starting out. Driving big rigs requires a good amount of training and …
When people think of the trucking industry, it’s likely that images of male drivers come to mind. And there can be no doubt that as a profession, trucking is dominated by men. But it doesn’t have to be that way, …
Truck drivers are expected to be able to drive swiftly, safely, and efficiently, but it would surprise many people to know that much of their time isn’t spent driving, but rather waiting around while their trucks are being loaded and …
Change is always difficult, and truck drivers are no different from anyone else in terms of being resistant to change, especially when the current system is working well enough. It’s only natural that veteran drivers would express skepticism when presented …
As predicted, the record high spot rates that had been a constant through the early part of the summer have eased off, but only slightly, as reported in the latest update from DAT Barometers. Despite the decline, the current environment …
With the sustained record highs in van rates that shippers have been witnessing all summer, many in the industry are wondering when the challenging freight environment will ease up. DAT Trendlines predicts the moderation will happen, they just can’t predict …
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