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What Are the Best Features to Look For When Choosing a Freight Factoring Company?

Look for a variety of services when selecting a freight company.

What Are the Best Features to Look For When Choosing a Freight Factoring Company?

The ultimate goal of any freight factoring service is to ensure you get the money you’re owed quicker than if you invoiced a broker or shipper and waited for payment. With freight factoring, you pay a fee, which can be …

Freight rate calculations. Find the best carrier.

Do Freight Factoring Rates Vary Based On Fleet Size?

Freight factoring is a specialized service where a factoring company buys the bills of lading you use to invoice your brokers and shippers. The factoring company pays you the money you’re due, minus fees. The factor then gets to work …

Trucking companies can save with freight factoring

Freight Factoring Is Proven to Help New Trucking Companies Grow

Everyone starts somewhere, and many of today’s biggest trucking companies started out the same way. They had a vision and a truck or two and grew from there. Did you know that freight factoring is a proven way to help …

How Freight Factoring Brokers Help You With Cybersecurity

In just the past few weeks, news of several major breaches has hit the media. LastPass, a password manager is one that prompted businesses around the world to take immediate action and change all of their passwords in a hurry. …

How to Finance a New Trucking Business

Did you know that 72.2% of the nation’s freight is moved by trucks? This creates over $875.5 billion in gross freight revenues. There’s a lot of money to be made in the trucking industry, which draws you to the field. …

Lower Your Trucking Business Expenses to Boost Revenues

People across the country are finding ways to save money. Interest rates started climbing at the same time grocery prices, utility bills, and fuel prices also went up. There have been companies laying off workers across the nation, and that’s …

How Quickly Should You Expect Payment From Your Clients?

When you’re running a business, timely payments mean everything. The longer it takes to get paid, the later you are with your own bills. If you pay late, the late fees add up and can quickly eat into your profits. …

Can Your Trucking Company Afford to Switch to Electric Trucks?

Close to 39 million business trucks are registered in the U.S., and over 4 million are Class 8 trucks, meaning they weigh more than 33,000 pounds. Class 8 trucks increased by more than 2% between 2020 and 2021. Combined, it’s …

What Is Double Freight Brokering & How to Avoid It

Double freight brokering is an act where a carrier accepts a load from one broker but turns around and re-sells it to a different broker without first notifying the broker or shipper. Ultimately, the perpetrator takes a load for a …

Are You Prepared If Holiday Shipping Declines?

Inflation and the higher cost for items have companies fearing holiday shipping is going to decline. It’s a new concern that’s the complete opposite of how things were last holiday season. FedEx and UPS are already finding themselves with more …

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