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Why Factor Freight Invoices

Fast Cash On Delivery Benefits

The old adage that it takes money to make money isn’t wrong. That does not, however, mean you should have to wait on brokers to pay you just so that you can honor your obligations or miss an opportunity to grow your company. All of this is why our 100% Cash Advance Program presents such great benefits to trucking companies.

Rather than waiting 30 to 60 days to receive payment from your freight broker or having to negotiate and take out a bank loan, our 100% Cash Advance Program infuses your company with the cash it needs when it’s needed by allowing you to sell your Bill of Ladings (BOL) to us at a discount and get you the money you need to:

  • Pay for fuel
  • Pay for payroll
  • Pay for taxes
  • Pay for insurance
  • Pay for truck repairs

Our 100% Cash Advance program is a great way to get your company cash without having to take out a costly bank loan. At Saint John Capital we offer a freight factoring program unlike any other in the country, not the least of which has to do with our amazing customer service. When compared to other companies, it’s clear why we’re the premier factoring company in the USA.

Don’t wait to get paid for delivered freight, Saint John Capital’s is ideal for companies looking to get funded immediately! What makes Saint John Capital’s freight factoring program so unique is we offer 100% cash advances, low factoring rates, mobile software solutions, no personal credit checks and superior customer service.

Sell your Bill of Ladings to Saint John Capital today and focus on keeping your trucks on the road. No matter the size of your trucking company Saint John Capital is ready to purchase your Bill of Ladings. If you are in need of cash and you have Bill of Ladings for sale, then give us a call to get funded – today!

Same Day Cash

With cash available on the same day that you present us with your Bill of Ladings (BOL) you’re not borrowing the money you need for your company, you’re getting paid for the value of your company’s sales volume faster than ever before.

With the 100% Advance Program from Saint John Capital you’ll save time, generate more sales from smaller brokers, simplify bookkeeping, and eliminate your need to be a bill collector so that you can focus on running and growing your trucking company.

Trucking companies need to control their cash flow to ensure they’re keeping their trucks on the road delivering freight. Controlling your cash can be the difference between staying in business and closing down your business.

Today banks are not giving loans and credit cards offer outrages interest rates quickly eating away your profits. Freight factoring with Saint John Capital is the best option especially with our 100% cash advance program and a low factoring rates.

Freight brokers can take 30 to 60 days or more putting a choke on your cash flow but freight factoring with Saint John Capital allows you to get 100% of that cash right away (minus our low factoring fee). This means you get paid faster after completing the delivery gaining access to your cash for your day to day operations.

Call us today to learn more about our 100% cash advance program in order to benefit your company and get you the cash you need – now!

100% Cash Advance

Once you deliver the load we advance you 100% cash directly into your bank or fuel card account.

Same Day Cash

Upload your BOL by 12:00 PM Eastern Standard Time and we advance you cash same day

No Long Term Contracts

You are not contractually locked in for any length of time, leave us whenever you want!

Fast Cash At Pick-Up!

Fast Cash At Pick-Up Benefits

Saint John Capital for over 2 decades has been helping trucking companies with 40% Cash Advances. We pay 40% of the face value of your freight bill, same day – without any of the high fees that transportation brokers charge. That’s why we are the best freight factoring company in the United States – our long term commitment to helping trucking companies get the advances they need to instantly pay for insurance, repairs, fuel, etc…, fast (same day)!

So how does a 40% Cash Advance work? You scan us your signed bill of lading once you pick-up the load and we will send you a 40% fuel advance directly to your fuel card or bank account. What a great way to provide a cash injection to your drivers – to get them where they need to be – on time, and every time!

Call now to start receiving a 40% fuel advance on your freight bills.

Difference Between Cash At Pick-Up & Delivery

The biggest difference between our two Cash Advance programs is that the load does not have to be delivered which means as soon as you pick up the load, 40% percent of the freight bill can be paid instantly to you (same day) so you can fuel a truck, pay for insurance, repairs or whatever other expenses your business may have.

To make it more convenient Saint John Capital offers a fuel card and the money can be directly added to your card within minutes. Partnering up with Saint John Capital means increased cash flow and the ability to get more loads in order to continue growing your transportation company.

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